
The keyword alignment can be a Symbol or a vector of Symbol.

If it is a symbol, we have the following behavior:

  • :l or :L: the text of all columns will be left-aligned;
  • :c or :C: the text of all columns will be center-aligned;
  • :r or :R: the text of all columns will be right-aligned;
  • Otherwise it defaults to :r.

If it is a vector, it must have the same number of symbols as the number of columns in data. The i-th symbol in the vector specify the alignment of the i-th column using the same symbols as described previously.

julia> data = Any[ f(a) for a = 0:30:90, f in (sind, cosd, tand)];

julia> pretty_table(data; alignment=:l)
│ Col. 1   │ Col. 2   │ Col. 3  │
│ 0.0      │ 1.0      │ 0.0     │
│ 0.5      │ 0.866025 │ 0.57735 │
│ 0.866025 │ 0.5      │ 1.73205 │
│ 1.0      │ 0.0      │ Inf     │

julia> pretty_table(data; alignment=[:l, :c, :r])
│ Col. 1   │  Col. 2  │  Col. 3 │
│ 0.0      │   1.0    │     0.0 │
│ 0.5      │ 0.866025 │ 0.57735 │
│ 0.866025 │   0.5    │ 1.73205 │
│ 1.0      │   0.0    │     Inf │

The alignment keyword is supported in all back ends.