Text Back End Examples
In the following, it is presented how the following matrix can be printed using the text back end.
julia> data = Any[ 1 false 1.0 0x01 2 true 2.0 0x02 3 false 3.0 0x03 4 true 4.0 0x04 5 false 5.0 0x05 6 true 6.0 0x06 ]
6×4 Matrix{Any}: 1 false 1.0 0x01 2 true 2.0 0x02 3 false 3.0 0x03 4 true 4.0 0x04 5 false 5.0 0x05 6 true 6.0 0x06
julia> pretty_table(data)
julia> pretty_table(data; border_crayon = crayon"yellow")
julia> pretty_table(
border_crayon = crayon"bold yellow",
header_crayon = crayon"bold green",
tf = tf_simple,
julia> pretty_table(data; tf = tf_markdown, show_row_number = true)
The following example shows how formatters
can be used to change how elements are printed.
julia> formatter = (v, i, j) -> begin
if j != 2
return isodd(i) ? i : 0
return v
julia> pretty_table(data; tf = tf_ascii_rounded, formatters = formatter)
The following example indicates how highlighters
can be used to highlight the lowest and highest element in the data considering the columns 1, 3, and 5:
julia> h1 = Highlighter(
(data, i, j) -> j in (1, 3, 4) && data[i, j] == maximum(data[2:end, [1, 3, 4]]),
bold = true,
foreground = :blue )
julia> h2 = Highlighter(
(data,i,j)->j in (1, 3, 4) && data[i, j] == minimum(data[2:end,[1, 3, 4]]),
bold = true,
foreground = :red
julia> pretty_table(data; highlighters = (h1, h2))
Since this package has support to the API defined by Tables.jl, many formats, e.g DataFrames.jl, can be pretty printed:
julia> using DataFrames
julia> df = DataFrame(A = 1:2:20, B = rand(10), C = rand(10))
julia> pretty_table(
formatters = ft_printf("%.3f", [2, 3]),
highlighters = (hl_lt(0.2), hl_gt(0.8))
You can use body_hlines
keyword to divide the table into interesting parts:
julia> pretty_table(data; body_hlines = [2, 4])
If you want to break lines inside the cells, you can set the keyword linebreaks
to true
. Hence, the characters \n
will cause a line break inside the cell.
julia> text = [
"This line contains\nthe velocity [m / s]" 10.0
"This line contains\nthe acceleration [m / s^2]" 1.0
"This line contains\nthe time from the\nbeginning of the simulation" 10
julia> pretty_table(text; linebreaks = true, body_hlines = [1, 2, 3])
The keyword show_header
can be used to suppress the header, which leads to a very simplistic, compact format.
julia> pretty_table(data; tf = tf_borderless, show_header = false)
By default, if the data is larger than the display, it will be cropped to fit it. This can be changed by using the keywords crop
and display_size
julia> data = rand(100, 10)
julia> pretty_table(data, highlighters = (hl_gt(0.5),))
You can use the keyword columns_width
to select the width of each column, so that the data is cropped to fit the available space.
julia> mat = rand(100, 4)
julia> pretty_table(
highlighters = hl_gt(0.5),
columns_width = [7, -1, 7, 8],
compact_printing = false
If you want to save the printed table to a file, you can do:
julia> open("output.txt", "w") do f
This package can also be used to create data reports in text format:
julia> data = [
"Torques" "" "" "";
"Atmospheric drag" "."^10 10 "10⁻⁵ Nm";
"Gravity gradient" "."^10 3 "10⁻⁵ Nm";
"Solar radiation pressure" "."^10 0.1 "10⁻⁵ Nm";
"Total" "."^10 13.1 "10⁻⁵ Nm";
"" "" "" ""
"Angular momentum" "" "" "";
"Atmospheric drag" "."^10 6.5 "Nms";
"Gravity gradient" "."^10 3.0 "Nms";
"Solar radiation pressure" "."^10 1.0 "Nms";
"Total" "."^10 10.5 "Nms"
julia> pretty_table(
body_hlines = [1,7],
body_hlines_format = Tuple('─' for _ = 1:4),
cell_alignment = Dict((1, 1) => :l, (7, 1) => :l),
formatters = ft_printf("%10.1f", 2),
show_header = false,
tf = tf_borderless,
highlighters = (
hl_cell([(1, 1); (7, 1)], crayon"bold"),
hl_col(2, crayon"dark_gray"),
hl_row([5, 11], crayon"bold yellow")
The highlighters API can be used to dynamically highlight cells. In the next example, it is shown how the package ColorSchemes.jl can be integrated to build a table with a color map (the following example will be displayed better in a terminal that supports 24-bit color):
julia> using ColorSchemes
julia> data = [sind(x) * cosd(y) for x in 0:10:180, y in 0:10:180]
julia> hl = Highlighter(
(data, i, j) -> true,
(h, data, i, j) -> begin
color = get(colorschemes[:coolwarm], data[i, j], (-1, 1))
return Crayon(foreground = (
round(Int, color.r * 255),
round(Int, color.g * 255),
round(Int, color.b * 255))
julia> pretty_table(
header = ["x = $(x)°" for x = 0:10:180],
row_labels = ["y = $(y)°" for y = 0:10:180],
highlighters = hl,
formatters = ft_printf("%.2f")