This example shows how to use BaremetalPi.jl together with a AD converter MCP3008 and a 103 thermistor to read the ambient temperature. The connections between the components are shown in the following figure:
We are using the Raspberry Pi Zero W as an example. You must modify it according to your model.

The MCP3008 is a 8-channel 10-bit analog to digital converted that communicates using the SPI interface. Thus, the first thing is to make sure that SPI is enabled in your Linux distribution so that the devices /dev/spidevX.Y
exists (X
and Y
are integers related to the SPI numbering). Please, check the manual of your distribution for more information.
After the connection, we need to start the SPI interface in BaremetalPi.jl. Here, we consider that the device in which the MCP3008 was connected is called /dev/spidev0.0
using BaremetalPi
init_spi("/dev/spidev0.0", max_speed_hz = 1000)
Notice that we limit the sampling speed to 1000 Hz to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the AD conversion as per MCP3008 datasheet.
To acquire a new measurement, we need to perform a full-duplex SPI transfer. Three bytes must be sent to the device: 0x01 0x80 0x00
, which asks for a new measurement of the channel 0. For more information about how MCP3008 works, please, see the datasheet. This full-duplex transfer can be accomplished using BaremetalPi.jl as follows:
tx_buf = [0x01, 0x80, 0x00]
rx_buf = zeros(UInt8, 3)
ret = spi_transfer!(1, tx_buf, rx_buf)
must be 3 indicating that the device returned 3 bytes. The 10-bit AD measurement is then stored in rx_buf[2:3]
. The conversion to voltage is performed as follows:
V = ( (UInt16(rx_buf[2] & 3) << 8) + rx_buf[3] )*3.3/1024
Now, we need to obtain the resistance of the thermistor using the equation of the voltage divider:
R_div = 10_000 # ............. Resistor value at the voltage divider [Ω]
th_R = R_div*(3.3/V - 1)
Finally, using the relationship between resistance and temperature for the selected thermistor, we can get a measurement of the ambient temperature:
th_β = 3380 # ................ Beta coefficient of the thermistor [K]
th_R₀ = 10_000 # ............. Reference thermistor resistance at T₀ [Ω]
th_T₀ = 25 # ....... Reference temperature T₀ of the thermistor [°C]
T = 1/( log(th_R / th_R₀)/th_β + 1/(th_T₀ + 273.15) ) - 273.15
The following code prints the temperature every 5s:
using Dates
using Printf
using BaremetalPi
# Configuration
const R_div = 10_000 # ............. Resistor value at the voltage divider [Ω]
const th_β = 3380 # ................ Beta coefficient of the thermistor [K]
const th_R₀ = 10_000 # ............. Reference thermistor resistance at T₀ [Ω]
const th_T₀ = 25 # ....... Reference temperature T₀ of the thermistor [°C]
# Functions
function acquire_temperature()
# Acquire the AD measurement
# ==========================================================================
tx_buf = [0x01, 0x80, 0x00]
rx_buf = zeros(UInt8, 3)
V = 0
ret = spi_transfer!(1, tx_buf, rx_buf)
if ret != 3
@warn("The data received from MCP3008 does not have 3 bytes.")
return NaN
# AD measurement.
V = ((UInt16(rx_buf[2] & 3) << 8) + rx_buf[3]) * 3.3 / 1024
if V == 0
@warn("The MCP3008 measured 0V.")
return NaN
if V > 3.25
@warn("The MCP3008 measured a too high voltage (> 3.25V).")
return NaN
# Convert the measurement to temperature
# ==========================================================================
th_R = R_div * (3.3 / V - 1)
T = 1 / (log(th_R / th_R₀) / th_β + 1 / (th_T₀ + 273.15)) - 273.15
return T
function run()
# Let's sample at 1kHz to improve the accuracy of MCP3008.
init_spi("/dev/spidev0.0", max_speed_hz = 1000)
while true
T = acquire_temperature()
if !isnan(T)
@printf("%-30s %3.2f\n", string(now()), T)
println("[ERROR] Problem when acquiring AD measurement.")
2020-06-14T19:36:40.564 22.65
2020-06-14T19:36:46.235 22.65
2020-06-14T19:36:51.264 22.65
2020-06-14T19:36:56.286 22.65
2020-06-14T19:37:01.32 22.65
2020-06-14T19:37:06.354 22.65
2020-06-14T19:37:11.381 22.65
2020-06-14T19:37:16.415 22.65
2020-06-14T19:37:21.443 22.65
2020-06-14T19:37:26.465 23.57 -> I placed my finger on the thermistor.
2020-06-14T19:37:31.497 23.57
2020-06-14T19:37:36.525 23.16
2020-06-14T19:37:41.547 22.86
2020-06-14T19:37:46.581 22.76
To improve the accuracy, measure the resistance of the voltage divider resistor and update the constant R_div
. Furthermore, check the β of your thermistor and update the value in the constant th_β